Lather and More

Lather & More- A Company You Can Trust

We’ve all been there. We’re in the skincare aisle at the store, looking at row after row of products, and we have no idea what to choose. There are so many choices and it can be overwhelming. And then you see it. A natural skincare product that looks promising. But then you look at the ingredients list and you’re not sure what half of them are. Or worse, you find out that some of the ingredients are actually harmful to your skin!

At Lather & More, they understand how frustrating and overwhelming it can be to try to find a natural skincare alternative. That’s why they do everything they can to make sure their products are safe for you and your family. Their bath and body products are all handmade with natural ingredients that your skin will love. So you can rest assured knowing that when you use Lather & More products, you’re not exposing yourself to any harmful chemicals.

The Benefits of Natural Skincare Products

There are many benefits to using natural skin care products instead of those that contain harmful chemicals. First and foremost, natural skincare products are better for your skin. They won’t strip away your skin’s natural oils or leave your skin feeling dry and irritated like some chemical-based products can. In fact, natural skincare products can actually help to improve your skin’s overall health!

Another benefit of using natural skin care products is that they’re better for the environment. Because they don’t contain any harmful chemicals, they won’t pollute our waterways or harm delicate ecosystems like chemical-based products can. And if you’re concerned about animals, you’ll be happy to know that none of the ingredients in Lather & More products have been tested on animals.

Finally, one of the best benefits of using natural skin care products is that they simply work better than their chemical-based counterparts. This is because the ingredients in natural skincare products are more easily absorbed by your skin. This means that you’ll actually get more bang for your buck when you use natural skincare products!

If you’re sick of feeling frustrated every time you go to purchase skincare products, give Lather & More a try! Their bath and body products are all handmade with natural ingredients that your skin will love. So you can rest assured knowing that when you use Lather & More products, you’re not exposing yourself to any harmful chemicals. Trust us, your skin will thank you!

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