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Bluehost is my #1 web host for new bloggers looking to launch a WordPress blog.

When you sign up, you get a free domain, free SSL, an easy 1-click WordPress install, and a great support team. Their plans start at $2.95/month and they have a 30-day money-back guarantee.


Jasper is an AI writing assistant that can help you write your blog posts faster.

From the ability to use specific templates to generate ideas, to writing longer posts in less time, Jasper can help you save hours on your blog writing process.

In addition, Jasper now also offers AI image generation, so your blog posts can also have images specific to your content.

Pricing starts at $24/mo.

Sway Markets

Sway Markets, based out of Australia since 2022, is a digital brokerage platform specializing in forex, commodities, and cryptocurrency trading. With the renowned MetaTrader5 (MT5) as its primary trading interface, Sway Markets presents diverse account options including ECN, No Commission, VIP, and Sharia-compliant Islamic accounts. They extend a leverage of up to 1:500 for their traders.